Facts. Facts. Facts.

Fake news and reading the tea leaves really don’t cut it if you want to know how the processes in your dealership actually work. And what potential you may discover for additional profit. Think about your tyre storage: How could you calculate your next tyre pre-order with greater accuracy? Do you now the current warehousing procedures at all of your sites? And what proportion of obsolete stock are you carrying? Or think about your appointment evaluations. Isn’t there room for improvement? Do you know the job value quantity for each appointment or the split of different types of appointment? Do you have an overview of average appointment lead times and repeat appointment quotas? Do you evaluate the replacement vehicles used, do you qualify your customer data? 

soft-analytics will provide you with all this information and will answer all your questions. Web-based, scaleable and user-friendly, the application offers you a visual display of all SOFT-SOLUTIONS data and provides you with extensive analyses and evaluations in detail and in real time – detailed facts to identify and utilise unused potential.

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Appointment quality
Service consultant evaluation